Brainfreeze drummer raising funds for girlfriend's cancer

Joshua Law of Adelaide hardcore band Brainfreeze is raising funds to support his girlfriend's cancer diagnosis. Joshua's girlfriend Ally is an artist, and has been in treatment for Stage 4 Hodgkin's lymphoma since being diagnosed in November. Hodgkin's lymphoma is a rare cancer of the lymphatic system, inhabiting the immune system and surrounding organs such as bone marrow, the lungs or the kidneys.

Joshua released an empassioned plea following the last round of chemotherapy:

Ally’s chemo wasn’t successful. She had a tumour which went away but then came back during chemo. We aren’t entirely sure what the go is as her case is ‘unusual’ so we need to give the doctors time to talk. I’m heartbroken because I just want to live the perfect life with my angel and cancer is stopping this from happening. I will love you forever angel and I’m right by your side this whole way and hopefully one day we can live our full lives together, cancer free.

For now there’s a donation link in my bio to make things easier for her while she has to put up with this shit. 

I love you baby.

Donations should be made through the official page. From the donation page:

On Friday the 17th of November 2017, our beautiful Ally was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called Hodgen's Lymphoma. Ally was diagnosed with stage 4 Hodgen's Lymphoma.

Hodgen's Lymphoma is a type of cancer that affects the lymphatic system and inhabits the immune system and surrounding organs such as bone marrow, the lungs or the kidneys. 

On July 31st 2017 Ally's mum Leah was also diagnosed with stage 2 invasive ductal Breast Cancer which accounts for 80% of all breast cancers. Leah is a compassionate [registered nurse] and a young mother to Tainem, Ally, Shayla and India.

Common treatment for patients with both Hodgens Lymphoma and Breast Cancer include multiple sessions of chemotherapy and radiation along with a handful of other medications.

This Gofundme account was created to raise much needed funds to help support Ally and her mum Leah and their family financially through this difficult time.

Treatment is not cheap, and chemo is painful and exhausting. As cancer attacks the immune system, Ally and Leah will be without work and an income for a period of time during their individual recoveries, so the money raised will be for them both to continue as much as possible with everyday life as well as pay for medication, bills, rent and personal expenses.

Every single person who has crossed paths with Ally even for a second is blown away by her contagious positivity, her radiant aura, and infectious laugh and smile. She has been described as a true “ray of sunshine” on many different occasions and always brightens the mood of anyone she meets. 

Ally is the most amazing, influential, positive and most selfless human I have ever had the pleasure to meet. She changed my life (and continues to change my life) from the second I met her and continues to change the world with her amazing attitude and outlook on life. 

Ally adopted a vegan lifestyle 4 years ago to improve her health, the health of the planet and also for her love and compassion towards all creatures great and small. She is always thinking of ways she can improve the world we live in and is a LITERAL angel on earth! There is no one and there will never be anyone else in the world quite like Ally. 

Ally and Leah are the strongest women I know and they're both going to get through this with the help, support and positivity of their loved ones.

Joshua and Ally could use your support at this time, and anything helps, no matter how small.

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