Emma McEvoy launches research into social media SXE

Published by Dan SW


University of New Brunswick Communications and English student Emma McEvoy has launched a research project into how social media has affected the straight edge community. McEvoy will be seeking input from the straight edge community in order to determine the impact of social networks on community involvement and communication.

We spoke to McEvoy about her project.

For my 4th year research requirement I am working on a paper that looks at the evolution of the Straight Edge community with the introduction of New Media (participatory and interactive media like Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, etc.).

To gather first-hand experiences from the community, I have created an online survey for participants to provide their experiences. The goal of the survey is to gather details from people who were Straight Edge before 1999 and those who were after 1999 (this year was the introduction of New Media).

I myself am Straight Edge and have made sure the questions asked are ones I would not mind answering. Your participation in this survey will be greatly appreciated. Thank you !!

The research period is set to extend through mid-April, with the final report delivered in May. Following review by the university, the paper will be made publicly available.

To participate in the study, click here. Ms. McEvoy can also be contacted directly by email.


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