Hardcore Against Racism launched

Published by Dan SW


Jan Abele of Riot Risk and Leroy Ewart have joined a team of six others in launching a new non-profit campaign entitled We Are The Same to counter the emerging prevalence of racism and fascism in the European hardcore scene. Their foundation, Hardcore Against Racism, is active within the German show scene and earns money for Pro Asyl, a refugee support network.

We spoke to LeRoy Ewart from Hardcore Against Racism:

We are a non-profit project of young people who are engaged together against all forms of racism and provide effective public awareness training within and outside the hardcore scene. Together, we are committed to the everyday, institutional and existing beyond our borders racism.

We want to encroach on the hardcore scene and counteract racist behaviors and reactionary thinking patterns. We are tired of living in a society were people are still getting discriminated because of their origin, skin color, sexuality, religion or their appearance. We’re tired of that refugee people are getting inbuilt demonized.

We see ourselves as opponents of any form of racism and as opponents of every racist/s within the hardcore scene. We want the equality for all people is put into action, instead of just standing on the paper. Just within a subculture as the hardcore scene, social behaviors are shown again and often even deepened. Therefore, we are committed to a strong and unified scene, free from prejudice and without exclusion.

There is no place for right wing ideologies such as reactionary thinking. We not only want tolerance for all, but also respect for all! That’s what we fight and stand for. Hardcore Against Racism!

We also spoke to Jan about his involvement in the campaign:

 In the near future, we’ll be heading out to different shows in Germany to talk to and educate the [hxc] people about racism in the scene, but more important than that, in daily life. We’ll have our own “merch desks” at shows where we’re gonna have stickers, flyers, lots of [information] about the situation for refugees and lots of [minorities], just like sinti/roma. We’ll also have some shirts with us and all profit we make will go to “Pro Asyl” to support them to help refugees in their [juristic] problems. So now we’re in need of everyone to spread the word to give us the chance to help those, who need help.

To learn more about the We Are All The Same campaign, visit Hardcore Against Racism on Facebook.

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