Bajo Control: Libre De Drogas

Madrid Straight Edge band Bajo Control have emerged from the ashes of Infame to set Spain on fire and kick some butt. The first release from the renamed band is 'Libre De Drogas' (Free of Drugs). Listen to the new record below.

From the band:

Después de 3 años sin publicar música y de cambiar nuestro nombre de Infame a Bajo Control, aquí tenéis nuestro nuevo lanzamiento, Libres de drogas. Ocho canciones nuevas sobre la abstención radical, la identidad política y perspectiva militante através del hardcore.

Esperamos que os guste.

After 3 years of not releasing music and changing our name from Infame to Under Control, here is our new release, 'Libre de Drogas'. Eight new songs about radical abstention, political identity and militant perspective through hardcore.

We hope you like it.

Official release is set to be July 6th.