As of yesterday I announced I will no longer be in the band Suffokate. This has nothing to do with the fact I’m currently going to school. This was a mutual decision, both the band and I feel this is in the best interest for everyone.
Over the last 4 years I have done and seen things I never would have gotten the chance to if not for the band. These have been the best years of my life and I won’t ever forget all the great memories and all the amazing fans. I am very sad to let this all go but could no longer continue due to other reasons I won’t get into. I have no bad feelings or ill will towards the band and will always have love for them and the music I was fortunate enough to help create. I have poured my all and given everything I have into these last two albums and will always be grateful for them and everyone who supported me.
No matter what happens the guys in Suffokate will always be my [brothers]. I will do whatever i can to help them out. They are some of the greatest people I have ever met and I’m truly thankful I’ve gotten to do this with them. This isn’t the end for me musically, I plan on doing more in the near future. I have some personal things I need to take care of and priorities to work out in my life before i can do that. I will always have a passion for music and lyrical expression and will never stop writing. Music will always be in my life and a part of who I am. I’m very excited to see whats in store for me so be on the lookout for my future musical endeavors.
To the fans: you are the reason I’m still here and you have helped me just as much as you say I have helped you. I’m extremely fortunate that I’ve been able to have such a strong connection with you all. If it wasn’t for you guys I wouldn’t be who I am today. I will still have my personal twitter, tumblr and instagram under the name @iamrickyhoover so check those for any updates of what I’m doing.
Thanks for the support
– Ricky Hoover
Hoover joined Suffokate in 2008, and provided vocals on 2010’s No Mercy No Forgiveness, and 2011’s Return to Despair.