Jared Scheurer and World’s Strongest Man
Jared Scheurer‘s World’s Strongest Man have announced their break up. The band was originally founded as a folk punk effort before transitioning into an mathy post-rock in the vein of Explosions In The Sky.
From the band:
Hello all, I hate long good-byes so I will keep this short and sweet. World’s Strongest Man has been an emotional roller-coaster through many different spectrums of musical toil. The project has evolved so far beyond its original intent that I feel it is time we enter our chrysalis stage and begin our metamorphosis.
We will be playing our last south Florida show under the guise Worlds Strongest Man tonight at 10:30pm at the south Florida Fright Nights at the south Florida Fairgrounds. Furthermore, we have a final show in Tampa with Stations cases, lipshitZ, and a touring band from DC called the Rememberables among a few others. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts and we appreciate all the support y’all have shown us over the yeArs through thick and thin. This is not the last you have seen or heard of us. We will be in the shadows growing wings. We will see you all on a new day. We will be a new being and an entirely different creature.
Jared, Lexy, Woody / Miguel
No news on any new projects from Scheurer, who will continue running Leave Your Mark (LYM) Printshop in the meantime. Until then, take a listen to the band’s final release I’m Sorry This Scares You, featuring guest vocals from Dan “Soupy” Campbell of The Wonder Years: