Documenting Hate: Charlottesville exposes identities of Rise Above Movement members

Published by Dan SW


Non-profit independent journalists ProPublica have teamed up with PBS documentary series Frontline to release a documentary profiling the two of the hate groups involved with violence at the August 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. In Documenting Hate: Charlottesville, journalist and producer AC Thompson uses footage from the rally alongside footage from previous rallies to eventually unmask and out those involved.

Rise Above Movement

The documentary features substantial investigation into white supremacist hate group Rise Above Movement (R.A.M.), their attacks on protesters throughout California, and the movement's connections to the neo-Nazi Hammerskins hate group. Thompson's investigation and reporting results in the unmasking of a number of Rise Above Movement members, including Michael Miselis and leader Robert Paul Rundo, culminating in FBI investigations being opened into the members. Eight members of the Rise Above Movement have since been arrested and charged with offences related to rally and protest violence.

Kill Your Local Drug Dealer

The documentary also ties the Rise Above Movement to the Straight Edge community, with R.A.M. banners showing anti-drug slogans, and Straight Edge White Power / Kill Your Local Drug Dealer graffiti being found at a Rise Above Movement training ground next to R.A.M. and Hammerskins graffiti. Although the documentary briefly mentions R.A.M. being in Europe early in 2018, it doesn't mention that the trip involved meeting with European Straight Edge White Supremacist organizations like White Rex, whose merchandise is sold through the R.A.M.-owned Right Brand online store.

Rise Above Movement Kill Your Local Drug Dealer White Power Graffiti

Documenting Hate: Charlottesville was produced by Richard Rowley, AC Thompson, and Karim Hajj. The documentary is the first of two Documenting Hate documentaries, with the second part making its debut later this fall.