Mexico straight edge band Crassus
A dark new three piece has emerged from the ashes of Akûma with the aim of putting Mexico straight edge back on the map. Former Akûma members Rigo X Andrade and Omar X Ayala (Wont) have teamed up with guitar player Ernesto to form Crassus, delivering gritty blackened straight edge hardcore. The band has just released their first EP, a four-song terror entitled Anti.
We spoke to guitar player Omar about the band and record:
[It] would be awesome for the sxe community in mx as we, in Crassus, are one of the very few bands trying to put sxe again on the map and also giving a twist on the sound.
And yes, that’s Rigo Andrade himself playing with me in Crassus! After Akûma’s demise we stick together and brought this new project with Ernesto (With whom I used to play Technical Death metal 5 or 6 years ago); we still live the SxE lifestyle and represent with pride, we still are vegans too!
Hope you guys … can help us with promotion so people in the US and Canada turn their ears to the south and hear what most punk bands are doing, in the past years there was an explosion of the SxE in Mx and latin america but the scene got stuck a bit, many people went sellout but the few that remain are now playing a different sound but with the same approach towards the message of SxE and vegan. We’re part of that!
Now we’re waiting for March 28th to crash at Los Grises Fest, which is now the most important underground festival in Mx, and we’re doing some dates in Mx with the German/Spanish band Implore; and also we’re planning the release of a video that will be under the lens of Mane Borja (The dude who filmed Akûma’s video “Torres de Silencio”) and we will release another Ep before the release of our first full length.
Anti is available now for download or stream through the Crassus Bandcamp page. Cassettes are available through Marginal Records. Listen to the new record below: